Masonry Support Cavitray Systems
- Profiles available to suit most masonry support systems.
- Tensioned self-supporting tray format.
- Cavity width biased designs.
- Black polypropylene.
- Project appraisal and scheduling undertaken.
Preformed DPC trays for use with masonry support systems to arrest and discharge penetrating water at optimum level.
When constructing off a masonry support system, the DPC is commonly incorporated at a higher level than is ideal. This compromise is because of the difficulties in bringing together and achieving a consistently profiled relationship between metal support and the roll-out material. This compromise can permit penetrating water retained within the masonry sitting on the angle support. In the long term the masonry can suffer discolouration through water retention. In contrast preformed masonry support cavitrays are exactly profiled to sit within the mortar on the support. They provide protection and weep evacuation at the optimum level. A consistent standard and quality of detail is benefited.
Downloads and Documents
Datasheet PDF661.83 KB Download file
DWG/CAD29.26 KB Download file
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Where to buy
Our cavity trays are available from suppliers up and down the country.