Type TST Cavity Trays - Cavity TraysType TST Cavity Trays - Cavity Trays

Type TST

  • Ready-shaped solution for openings.
  • Black polypropylene DPC.
  • Size: opening width variable x 485 x 115mm upstands.
  • Ensures DPC integrity and functionality.

To protect against damp and water penetration around sills and thresholds.


The Threshold Tray is a three sided moulded unit that is positioned on the oversite prior to the laying of the screed. The purpose is to provide additional measures to ensure abutting DPC integrity where floor, membrane, sill, internal skin, external skin and vertical DPC meet. Manufactured in widths to match the opening structural dimensions, the Type TST threshold tray is popular with developers as a means of creating and maintaining a consistent and functional build detail.

Downloads and Documents

Datasheet PDF642.36 KB Download file

DWG/CAD81.25 KB Download file

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